Author: Admin

  • Altınbaş University, Facts you need to know!

    Altınbaş University, Facts you need to know!

    Altınbaş University is a prestigious institution of higher education located in Istanbul, Turkey. Founded in 2008 by the Altınbaş Holding Company, the university aims to provide quality education and foster innovation. Their main goal is to prepare students for successful careers in a rapidly changing world. With its modern campus facilities and diverse academic programs,…

  • How is cost of Living in Turkey?

    How is cost of Living in Turkey?

    When planning to come to Turkey either for studying or vacation, one should learn about the cost of living in Turkey. One way to evaluate the costs of studying is by comparison to other countries. When doing this, we will quickly notice that Turkey is considerably cheap. Please notice, the word “cheap” should be used wisely. We…

  • 5 Best Countries to Study Medicine Abroad

    5 Best Countries to Study Medicine Abroad

    Medicine study abroad is an exciting opportunity for aspiring doctors to gain a global perspective, experience diverse healthcare systems, and develop themselves in new cultures. Abroad Programs are gaining in popularity for future medical students. The main reasons are lower tuition fees and less strict requirements. Whether you dream of studying in Europe, Asia, or…

  • Demographics of Antalya: Heart of Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast

    Demographics of Antalya: Heart of Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast



    The demographics of Antalya have been changing thorough the last couple of years. Antalya, with its captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, stands as one of Turkey’s most vibrant cities. Understanding the demographics of Antalya provides valuable insights into its diverse population and rich tapestry of life. Demographics of Antalya Antalya’s demographics reflect…

  • What Are the Medical Study Fees in Turkey for 2024/2025?

    What Are the Medical Study Fees in Turkey for 2024/2025?



    When thinking about medical study in Turkey, one of the first things that comes to mind is the study fees. Understanding the costs is important whether you are aiming for renowned universities such as Hacettepe Medical Faculty, Medipol University, and Ankara University. It is also crucial for new institutions like Ankara Yildirim Beyazit Medical School…

  • Why Turkey is Called Turkey?

    Why Turkey is Called Turkey?



    Have you ever wondered why it’s called Turkey? Turkey is a fascinating country with a rich tapestry of history, culture, and cuisine. Let’s dive into the interesting origins and evolution of this name to uncover the story behind it. Origin of the Name “Turkey” The term “Turkey” has sparked curiosity and speculation for centuries. Its…

  • Istanbul Arel University: What you need to know!

    Istanbul Arel University: What you need to know!

    Istanbul Arel University, commonly known as Istanbul Arel University, holds a significant place in Turkey’s educational landscape. It was established in 2007 by the Kemal Gözükara Education and Culture Foundation. The private nonprofit institution has steadily evolved into a reputable center for higher learning, offering a diverse range of undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs. Tracing…

  • “Uyruklu”: What Does It Mean?

    “Uyruklu”: What Does It Mean?



    If you’ve ever come across the term “uyruklu” and wondered what it means, you’re not alone. In Turkish, it refers to nationality or citizenship status. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning of this term and explore its implications in various contexts. The Literal Translation of “Uyruklu” “Uyruklu” is derived from the Turkish word “uyruk,” which…

  • Medical Internship in Turkey: A Pathway to Professional Growth

    Medical Internship in Turkey: A Pathway to Professional Growth

    If you’re considering a medical internship in Turkey, you’re about to embark on a journey that combines professional development with cultural immersion. This unique opportunity allows aspiring medical professionals to gain hands-on experience, broaden their horizons, and make meaningful contributions to healthcare systems in a vibrant international setting. In Turkey, internship applications are notably simpler…

  • Learn About Turkey: Exploring The Rich Culture & History

    Learn About Turkey: Exploring The Rich Culture & History



    If you’re eager to learn about Turkey, you’re in for a treat. This fascinating country, bridging Europe and Asia, is steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the diverse tapestry that makes Turkey truly unique. Turkey: A Crossroads of Civilizations Turkey’s geographical location has made it a crossroads…